Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sept 27 2011

I am waiting on my dad to get dressed so I can start to get ready to make the long trip to Little Rock. I am having to go back so Dr. Baker can look at my bottom wound and see why it isn't healing. My bottom wound is still open and seems to be getting bigger and deeper.

I just have this sinking feeling he will be putting me back in the hospital. It seems every time I go back to him with some problem with a wound that is what he does then he goes in and cleans it up. I am hoping he will just do this in office this time. But I am not anticipating this.

I am also a little scared to see him since I have been gaining a little weight and I don't like it. I know he can't be too happy about it but he hasn't gotten on to me about it. So we will see.

Lots for him to look at. So here we go.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sept. 24 2011

I have to go back to Little Rock on Tuesday because my bottom sore isn't getting better if anything it is getting worse. I am not looking forward to it because I know Dr. Baker isn't going to be happy and also I have gained some weight. Yes I was supposed to but I have gained more that I was supposed to.

If I could get rid of the munchies it would help a lot but for some reason I am always hungry. I need to learn some skills so when they hit I can just put them out of my mind. It is salty food so it doubles the problem because I retain water then. I tried to snack on celery the other day but it just wasn't the same as chips. Maybe next time I will try dipping it in salsa because I did that once and it wasn't to bad.

I just have this feeling he is going to put me in the hospital and clean it there. I am hoping he will just scrape it in the office but it has been my experience that he doesn't do that. But hope springs eternal.

So think of me in your thoughts and prayers that on Tuesday I get to come home.