This was me 5 years ago. Presurgery. I had Gastric Bypass surgery in May of 2005. May 11 of 2005 if you want to be specific. Monday I go in and have all the excess skin taken off and have my hernia repaired. I am strangely calm about the whole deal. I guess I know I have worked so hard for this day to come. I trust my surgeon and know that he will do a great job and if he could operate on me weighing 442 and have me come out on the other side doing awesome. He can operate on me at 218.6 and have me come out even better.
I am supposed to be at the hospital at 7:30 Monday morning. I will be at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock. Dr. Baker said I would be there for 3-4 days. I kind of figured that since that is how long I was there for my bypass surgery.
My Gastric bypass surgery saved my life. I eat small meals throughout the day and although I don't exercise I whole lot I do do some exercise. I have DVD I do. It is a Biggest Loser Boot Camp. Boy Howdy that thing is hard and it gets ya moving. I do that about once a week. I know I should do it more than that but I don't but I am still losing weight so something is working. I have arthritis in my knees so doing major aerobics is kind of a no-no because it hurts to bad. If I could afford a membership to a gym that had a pool I would swim or do water aerobics but I can't afford it. I am on disability due to my size but soon that isn't going to be an issue but the main reason I am on disability is my mental health issues. That in itself could be another blog.
I no longer require daily nebulizer treatments and I can't even remember the last time I was at the ER for an asthma attack. I'm surprised the hospital hasn't sent someone to see if I'm ok LOL. I was in the ER practically everyday with an asthma attack before and soon after my surgery. I am still clumsy so still end up on crutches quit often but it doesn't kill me like it used to. Last time I had an asthma attack I had to search around my apartment for my stuff because I knew I had it but just couldn't find it it had been so long since I had used it. I found it used it and it corrected itself within about a day instead me having to go to the ER be hospitalized and deal with all that. The last time I was hospitalized they wanted to me to come home on oxygen but my pulse ox wouldn't stay low enough with me resting. So they got me up and had me walk all over the hospital and then come back and take the pulse ox and it still wouldn't stay low enough for me to come home with oxygen. So having the surgery has taken so much fat off of my lungs that my pulmnologist said the last time he tested them it was like I never even had asthma anymore but I had to have the inhalers because I smoke. I am quitting though and that is so hard because I will even get a whiff of one and then bam the craving will hit. I heard once that quitting smoking is harder than getting off of heroin. I wouldn't know because I have never had to get off of heroin but boy howdy this kicking the nicotine is about to do me in.
Anyway here is a picture taken of me a few months ago so you can get a sense of what I look like now and then after I get home I will get a picture taken of me so you can judge to see how much fat was taken off of me.
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