Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday Februrary 17

Well I weigh in tomorrow so we will see how much I actually lost. I am bracing myself for some small number. That way I won't be disappointed if a huge number isn't there.

I am still kind of swollen so I know there is some water weight in there which is why I am not expecting some huge number. I am betting on 210ish. But I don't make it there I need to learn that it is ok that it is just a number on a scale and how I feel physically is how I should judge on how I am doing not just by how I am doing by the number on the scale. I don't know how it is that it gets engrained into our heads that we need to weigh such and such a number and then we aren't happy unless we are at that number. I should be happy I can shop at Old Navy now whereas before I couldn't. Soon I will be able to shop The Gap and Banana Republic. I want to be able to base myself on what stores I can shop in and buy trendy clothes. As I have said before..maybe not on here but to other people my main goal in life is to not have to shop on the plus size section at Walmart. I am getting close to my goal. I picked up a pair of XL pants yesterday and almost bought them but didn't have the $9 to buy them. They were some cute workout windpants. The windpants I have are from the mens section and they are 2x's and I just swim in them but still wear them because they are comfy.

I can't wait until the swelling goes down and I can buy some new stuff.

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